Garden Related Outings (GRO): This study group, limited to SRGC Members and occasional guests, enjoys discovering new local nurseries, demonstration gardens and private gardens. The group meets for field trips in
September, October, March, April and May (Potentially also June and/or July). Garden Talk: This study group will discuss garden related topics. If you have a question, problem, or a subject of interest to others, join us. Seed and plant swaps will be on the agenda. Cacti & Succulents: Explore the amazing world of succulents, and learn to enjoy, grow and design with these beautifully seductive plants. Members share cuttings along with valuable information on care and propagation. Additionally, many other types of plants are also discussed. There are occasional workshops – some just for fun and some of a local nursery or garden with special focus on cacti and succulents. All SRGC members are welcome. Bus Trip: A bus trip is being planned for Spring 2025 to Filoli Historic Home and Gardens. Cost will depend upon current prices of the bus and entrance fee. These historic gardens will be a special treat for us and should make for a fun day. Awards Received by the Santa Rosa Garden ClubAt the California Garden Clubs, Inc annual convention held in June 2015 in Reno, Nevada, Club Member, Julie West, was named Woman of the Year. In addition the Santa Rosa Garden Club was honored to receive the following awards: Blue Star Memorial Site Beautification - 1st place, Club Yearbook Class VI - 1st place, Ways and Means - 2nd place, Publications/Articles/Communications - 1st place.
Photo from Roadrunner Photo